Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Workout Clothes Haul Part 2

hey loves! so I am making this blog post as I sit in my dorm :) it's crazy to think I have been living at college for 2 and a half weeks already! it has been a little while since I last posted; things have been so crazy with moving into college and adjusting to everything! luckily I will be starting to post more often now because I'm starting to get used to my new schedule :) 
I mentioned in my last post that I would be getting more workout clothes and doing another haul, so here it is! I've been really into workout clothes lately; I love fashion in general, so buying cute workout clothes really motivates me to exercise! I love pairing basic colors (like grey or black) with bold colors to complete the look :) here are all the things I got!

so first I got Nike running sneakers because I've really needed a good pair of running shoes!!! in real life they are more purple, which is my favorite color so it works heheh. 

next I got these bright yellow NIke spandex running shorts, which are really great for if you're going on a night run and want to be cautious  about cars, other people, etc. 

now onto sports bras! I've really been loving the colorful ones :) this one is a brand called Marika, and I really like the strap detailing in the back!

this purple sports bra is from New Balance! it also has a slightly different style from regular sports bras, which I like.

and finally, I got this tank top from a company called Jo & Co. this is a basic tank that I like to pair with a colorful sports bra and either grey/black leggings or shorts!

hope you guys liked this haul!! I am going to do a dorm tour soon so stay tuned for that :) also, I will be doing a lifestyle post on what college life is like!
more updates soon 


Instagram: lauraa_schier

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful workout gear. Truly loved it and planning to buy few pairs for my workout exercise also. Got to know from my friend about an online store. Will be buying my stylish workout clothes from that store only. Hope will get my favourite colors there.
