Thursday, August 27, 2015

Workout Clothes Haul Part 1!

hey babes! so I move in to college in just a few days, and I've been shopping and packing like crazy! I will definitely do a dorm room tour once I move in, but right now I want to share my exercise clothes haul with you guys! I am super excited to exercise in college :) there's a big gym at my school and I plan on going to it a lot! also, I go running everyday, and my roommate and I are going to go to yoga classes starting next week!! so since I'm really looking forward to all that, I went out and got a bunch of clothes/things for exercising :) here's my haul:


so the first thing I got was this yoga mat :) I wanted it to look cute in this picture so I placed some of the my dorm room decorations around it, as well as one of the sports bras I got! it's bright green and super cheerful :) the company is called Yoga Rat by the way!

so then I got these cute Under Armour things! I'm not quite sure what they're called, but they're perfect for if I want to go running outside and it's a little cold out! they are each a slightly different style: 

and as you can see from the picture above, the neon green/yellow one has a pocket in the back! so I guess I could put a snack in there, or extra earphones if I need them!

so next I got these 2 cute sports bras!! both are New Balance, and they are really stretchy/comfortable! I got a neon
orange one and a grey one :) they're perfect for running, yoga, whatever!

alrighty so next I got these 2 workout tank tops. both are from New Balance, and they are pretty form-fitting! I got them in purple and pink :) again, these are good for either running, yoga, or just working out in general! 

so next I got these 2 pairs of leggings! perfect for running, yoga, or working out. the black pair (regular length) is from the brand Jockey, and the grey pair (calf length) is from a brand called Ryka!

the next thing I got was an Under Armour sweatshirt!! I just love the colors in it :) I got this to use mainly for yoga, but I guess you could also use it for running! and finally:

I got this to-go cup!! it's really Eco-friendly, and if you want to bring a cold drink with you while you're working out, it's perfect!

so that's my haul for now! I am going out to buy more exercise clothes in a few days once I get moved in to my dorm, so stay tuned :)

thanks for reading!

Instagram: lauraa_schier

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

End-of-Summer Activities, Fashion, and Everyday Tips

even though it's practically the end of summer, I'm still embracing the summer trend of the minimalistic makeup look - that is, wearing little to no makeup!! so today I'm actually not wearing any makeup (except for Chapstick but that probably doesn't  count lol!), and it couldn't be better!
another trend that I've been really into lately is layering necklaces! the most I've ever worn together is 3 (see outings/outfits), but I usually go with pairing 2! the best thing is that you can get creative with it- today my necklaces I'm wearing aren't the type you'd usually put together, but I think they look super cute and give a little more color to my outfit!
tip: if your outfit consists of basic colors such as white or tan, accessories with bold colors will make your outfit pop in a more subtle way!

top: Brandy Melville
shorts: Forever 21 (I think these are my fave high rise shorts btw!)
shoes: Converse
necklaces: Cape Cod boutique, Brandy Melville
bracelets: gift shop in Disney World, boutique in France, Sweet Home Montclair
sunglasses: Fendi

by the way, my go to Starbucks drink is an iced green tea! it's super healthy, and if you had too much coffee and want to switch it up, I definitely recommend this drink!
- side note: I always make sure I have at least 2-3 cups of green tea a day. it's extremely healthy for you! it makes you live longer, and it helps your stomach tone even more if you're exercising occasionally as well. :)

today has been a cheerful Starbucks and shopping kind of day- one of my favorite kinds!! my mom and I are in the process of college shopping and it's so crazy! there's so many things to get, but it's really fun choosing decorations for my dorm :) I'm going with a bohemian theme, with the colors aqua and coral!! and there is a good chance I will do a college-y type haul, so check back soon for that ;)
alright well that's it!! thanks for reading and hope you guys enjoyed!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

☼ ☼ ☼

hey loves!! so yesterday was my last full day at cape cod and it was, as usual, a beautiful beach day. my brother and I walked to the general store, and we took a new route to get there- we walked through the water at low tide!! we walked in the general direction of the store down the beach, then we turned in at the second jetty and went down this winding road to the store! here are some pictures taken on our way to the general store:

and here are some pics inside the Brewster general store- the cutest shop ever!

and here's the Brewster scoop, where we went afterward for ice cream: 

then we walked all the way back! 
this is a view of the beach from our deck:

here's a little beach look book of me with my bathing suit/hat:

and this is the outfit I wore that night: 

dress: Forever 21
hat: my mom's
necklace: cape cod boutique
sunglasses: Fendi

I'm sad that this was my last full day, but this week was amazing!! 
this morning I woke up at 5:20 AM with my brother and dad to watch the sunrise. we drove over to fort hill beach on the ocean side! unfortunately, it was very foggy so we didn't get the best view, but it was so surreal. it's like a different world that early in the morning! 

then we went back to our cottage and packed up, and now we are on the road again! 
oh, and to finish off my list:
- reason 5 why I love the beach: whether it's super sunny or foggy and raining, it is still the most beautiful place I know ♡

thanks for reading!!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Beach Update!

hey guys! it's been a couple days since I last posted, so right now since I have some down time I'll show you some pics from the last few days :) I've been on the beach a lot, and my cousins came to visit! these past few days were really fun! also we rented a paddleboard and literally used it all day (it's my new favorite beach-related thing)

our outdoor shower: (aka my favorite shower ever hehe)

cousins, brother, and I :)

top: Oasis
shorts: Forever 21
shoes: Sperries

here is a picture of a cute outfit I wore on our deck:

shirt: Forever 21
shorts: Target
shoes: Forever 21
necklace: boutique in my town :)
sunglasses: Fendi
bracelets: street fair in NYC

et finalement, this is my view right now: (with my essential morning coffee :))

I was going to do a reason each day why I love the beach; since I missed a few days, here are reasons 2, 3, and 4:
- reason 2 why I love the beach: you can literally put on no makeup at all and won't feel out of place! normally I put on makeup everyday- at the very least, I'll put on coverup and face powder before I leave the house- but at the beach, I don't have to put any on because I'll be going in the water anyway. whenever I'm at the beach I realize how much I love going completely natural
- reason 3: the view! especially if you're staying at a place that overlooks the water. it's so beautiful, and everyday when I wake up I look out the window and it automatically puts me in a good mood :) also, the sunsets are amazing in cape cod, and watching them here is something you have to do at least once in your life. I seriously recommend it!
- reason 4: the salty air :) it's perfect! not sure how else to describe it. also, it makes my hair wavy and messy (in a good way), which I love 

alrighty, so that's it! thanks for reading, and check back soon! :)