Friday, August 21, 2015

Beach Update!

hey guys! it's been a couple days since I last posted, so right now since I have some down time I'll show you some pics from the last few days :) I've been on the beach a lot, and my cousins came to visit! these past few days were really fun! also we rented a paddleboard and literally used it all day (it's my new favorite beach-related thing)

our outdoor shower: (aka my favorite shower ever hehe)

cousins, brother, and I :)

top: Oasis
shorts: Forever 21
shoes: Sperries

here is a picture of a cute outfit I wore on our deck:

shirt: Forever 21
shorts: Target
shoes: Forever 21
necklace: boutique in my town :)
sunglasses: Fendi
bracelets: street fair in NYC

et finalement, this is my view right now: (with my essential morning coffee :))

I was going to do a reason each day why I love the beach; since I missed a few days, here are reasons 2, 3, and 4:
- reason 2 why I love the beach: you can literally put on no makeup at all and won't feel out of place! normally I put on makeup everyday- at the very least, I'll put on coverup and face powder before I leave the house- but at the beach, I don't have to put any on because I'll be going in the water anyway. whenever I'm at the beach I realize how much I love going completely natural
- reason 3: the view! especially if you're staying at a place that overlooks the water. it's so beautiful, and everyday when I wake up I look out the window and it automatically puts me in a good mood :) also, the sunsets are amazing in cape cod, and watching them here is something you have to do at least once in your life. I seriously recommend it!
- reason 4: the salty air :) it's perfect! not sure how else to describe it. also, it makes my hair wavy and messy (in a good way), which I love 

alrighty, so that's it! thanks for reading, and check back soon! :)

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