Friday, August 14, 2015

Besties/Breakfast ✿

hi loves! so this morning, I hung out with my best friend Jas for the last time before college!! we went to this cute food place in my town called Montclair Bread Company; I'd have to say it's one of my favorite places in Montclair. I had fun hanging out with her as usual, and although it's bittersweet that we won't see each other for a little while, we will keep in touch and I'm really excited to see her in October (during our first break)! today we wore cute outfits and took pictures:

these was taken at Montclair Bread Co:

and here are some pictures detailing my outfit:

what I'm wearing:
top: Brandy Melville
shorts: Forever 21
sandals: Forever 21
long necklace: Brandy Melville
short necklace: Forever 21
bracelets: street fair in NYC, Pandora, boutique in France

after I hung out with Jas, I started packing for Cape Cod! I leave tomorrow and I'm super excited :) soon to come is a post about my essentials for the beach!

thanks for reading :)

instagram: lauraa_schier

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